Our Open Mornings will be held on:- Monday 18 November 2024 and Monday 13th January, 9.30-11.30. No need to book, please just turn up. We look forward to meeting you



In the Skylark Federation, we understand that music is an important way of communicating that can inspire and motivate children. It is a vehicle for personal expression, and it can play an important part in personal development. Besides being a creative and enjoyable activity, music can also be a highly academic and demanding subject. It also plays an important part in helping children feel part of a school community. 

Through the teaching of music in the Skylark Federation, we aim to give children: 

  • A passion for and commitment to a diverse range of musical activities. 

  • An awareness and appreciation of different musical traditions and genres. 

  • An understanding of how the historical, social, and cultural origins of music contribute to the diversity of musical styles. 

  • A musical understanding underpinned by aural perception, internalisation, and knowledge of music, including developing levels of technical expertise.  

  • The opportunity to create original, imaginative, and fluent composition and performance work.  

  • The ability to use musical terminology effectively. 


We ensure that children have access to a variety of music performances and activities throughout the year, with opportunities for all pupils to take part. These include: weekly singing assemblies, Christmas, Easter and Harvest performances, Y6 Productions, extra-curricular clubs and the opportunity to take part in cross-federation performances.  

Children across the Skylark Federation have access to a variety of peripatetic music lessons and music opportunities including visiting musicians and music workshops organised by individual schools. Skylark Federation schools have a variety of tuned and untuned percussion instruments for the children to use in their lessons to support their learning. All Skylark schools access ‘Sing Up’ music resources to support classroom learning and singing assemblies.  

‘Create’ Project 

During the summer term, all children in the Skylark Federation complete a ‘Create’ project with a Music and Arts focus across the two Summer terms. The Music focus of this project ensures that all children learn about the different components of music theory; have opportunities to improvise, compose and perform; and have access to live music experiences. Children are encouraged to complete detailed analysis of different pieces of music, focusing on musical structure and the impact of music on its audience. The progression of these sessions have been designed in line with the National Curriculum Music objectives for KS1 and KS2.  


All children have opportunities to compose, play, perform and enjoy music, to develop transcribing and descriptive skills, and to appreciate a wide variety of musical forms.