Our Open Mornings will be held on:- Monday 18 November 2024 and Monday 13th January, 9.30-11.30. No need to book, please just turn up. We look forward to meeting you


At Iford and Kingston CE Primary School, we take the Safeguarding of our children very seriously and believe we have a responsibility to act if we are worried about a child. A two-way communication with our parents and carers is crucial to this process.
If at any time, you have any worries concerning the welfare of a child, you can speak to any member of staff in total confidence who will then refer it to the Designated Safeguarding Lead.
Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs Lindsey Hibbert (Head of School)
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs Mandy Duke
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mr Stewart James (Executive Head Teacher)
Safeguarding Lead Governor

Rev Sam Carter

All our staff receive regular Safeguarding training and each carry guidance of what to do in the event of a Safeguarding disclosure.

Please find our safeguarding policies below:


Online Safety
Online Safety is incredibly important to safeguard children and is regularly taught to our children through Purple Mash and 'Be Internet Legends'
Please visit our Online Safety page on the school website for more information: