Our Open Morning will be held on:- Monday 13th January, 9.30-11.30. No need to book, please just turn up. We look forward to meeting you

W/C 14th March

I have loaded two White Rose Maths lessons. If the content/concept is a little tricky, you may like to watch in two sessions.

If you feel it is appropiate, you might like to use Times Table Rock Stars. I sent the logins hom last week, but please let me know if you need this resend.

Lesson 1 Make Equal groups

Here is the lesson link https://vimeo.com/492603961
Lesson 2 - Grouping and sharing.

This is a practical activity so there is not a work sheet. Here is the link:

Here is an activity to practise handwriting and spelling at the same time! Please space this by doing a little each day rather than in one sitting 
Here are some short burst writing ideas. Please remember to use capital letters, punctuation if needed, remember to use your best handwriting and think about spelling.

 Yesterday, in school we looked for mini-beasts in microhabitats. You might like to look in microhabitats at home. Please remember to use tally marks. I have put a video below to remind you how to use tally marks.