

As a Church of England primary school, the vision and values of our school are rooted in the teachings and ethos of the Christian faith. Through gifting the children of our school the opportunity to know Jesus and learn from him and with him, our rich provision is underpinned and strengthened by our Christian character.
Our Values
We are guided by the six core Christian values of Compassion, Responsibility, Perseverance, Forgiveness, Hope and Courage. These values shape our behaviours and attitudes both in school and out, and are championed and promoted across the curriculum and in all aspects of school life.
To make these values meaningful and to help us understand how to live our lives through them, each half term we focus on one value. We have carefully mapped the values to correspond with key times of the Christian and school calendar to make them even more purposeful and relevant to the lives of children. Whilst all six values are part of the fabric of our school, doing this also provides the opportunity for our school community to think more critically and deeply about each value, enabling us to make clear links in our lessons and wider school experiences.